Kissing tics

Kissing people or objects is surprisingly common in tic-disorders. This unwanted urge can make us feel extremely awkward, especially in public. Texas Children’s Hospital lists kissing tics as a complex tic. These tics are defined by as tics that: ‘usually involve several different parts of the body and can have a pattern’. Kissing may […]

Shivering, shaking and trembling tics

Not brought on by the cold or fear, these tics come from an involuntary urge to move in a certain way. This can make everyday tasks- such as carrying drinks or writing- very difficult. A waiter stands at the bar. He watches as the drinks are poured, the order he took from the large table […]

Pinching and nipping tics

Pinching tics are painful. They can be self-inflicted or done to other people, causing harm and great stress. 

Eyebrow tics

Eyebrow tics are very common, often involving raising one eyebrow or both. Some very well-known people have this motor tic, helping raise awareness for Tourette syndrome and other tic-disorders. These tics may occur alongside eye tics. They can vary in intensity and frequency, and can worsen due to factors such as stress and anxiety. H3H3 […]

Tics involving clothing

Clothes can be affected by tics. This could be ripping a huge hole in jeans or throwing those brand-new shoes in the mud. Tics affecting clothes can impact us physically, and financially. It’s a great feeling to wear brand new clothing. That new look can wear fast, as tics can focus on clothes old and […]

Hair-pulling tics

Hair-pulling can be a simple holding of the hair, to violent, forceful tugs. Whether pulling our own hair or someone else’s, this can lead to hair loss and extreme pain. The term Trichotillomania- according to– is ‘when someone cannot resist the urge to pull out their hair‘. Is this the same as a tic […]

Tics involving teeth

Teeth can be the focus of tics in a tic-disorder. Very sensitive to pain, tics such as grinding, chattering and wobbling teeth can cause distress. Not to mention be very expensive if damage is caused.  I noticed two things as a child. I despised the sound of gritted teeth, and hated the feeling just as […]

Smiling and frowning tics

Tics involving smiling and frowning come from an urge to do so, not from happiness or sadness. Like all tics, these can be stressful to experience and impact mental health. This tic- similar to laughing and crying tics- may occur at times we least want them too.  Any tic can work this way. However tics […]

Lip pouting and pursing tics

Lip pouting and pursing involves ‘puckering’ the lips, similar to giving a kiss.  It is a motor tic with it being movement-based. It may occur as a standalone tic, with other lip-related tics or as part of a wider complex-tic. Lip-pouting is a simple tic, and fairly common. For some, the only difference between this […]

Whispering tics

Whispering tics are vocal tics that present as an urge to whisper a word or phrase. They may occur for some in quiet environments. Loud environments may result in a feeling that the tic didn’t ‘feel right’ if not heard. Whispering tics may occur with coprolalia (uttering offensive words and phrases) and echolalia (repeating words […]