Elbow tics in Tourette syndrome

Elbow tics are motor tics, involving the elbow in a number of different ways depending on the individual. This may be touching the elbow, cracking the joints or elbowing things. Is the elbow commonly affected by tic disorders? It is hard to assess just how common tics in the elbow region are. But that isn’t […]

Mouth-related tics

Mouth tics are unwanted movements and/or sounds that occur in or around the mouth. They can be painful and affect daily life, especially around eating and breathing.

Tics involving touch

Touching is a common motor tic. This can be touching almost anything, depending on the individual.  What they have in common is the process that causes tics to occur, if touching things is in fact related to a tic disorder. This could manifest as: Touching anything when the urge arises Touching a specific item  Touching […]

Punching tics

Punching tics can involve punching the air, objects, ourselves and sometimes others. This tic isn’t just a risk for the individual with tics, but also those that may be on the receiving end of it. This tic can be painful, especially if punching involves making contact with something.  Tourettes Hero has a punching tic Along […]

Shoulder shrugging tics

Shoulder-shrugging tics are motor tics, and usually involve moving the shoulder in an up and down motion. This may involve one shoulder or both, and movements may have a specific pattern. The CDC lists shoulder shrugging as an example of motor tics, showing how common this tic is in tic-disorders. Being misread by others Shoulder […]

Smelling tics

Smelling tics manifest as an urge to smell something, sometimes without a specific pattern or when a specific thing is in view. As sniffing is widely considered a vocal tic, the act of smelling could be also. This is despite no desire to make an audible sound. Smelling tics can make a sufferer particularly self-conscious This […]

Jumping tics

Jumping tics are self explanatory tics that are more complex in nature, given that it requires more muscle groups and takes more effort to carry them out. This tic can be very disruptive, especially when trying to sit down at school or at work, or trying to sleep. Jumping doesn’t always mean excitement! Jumping isn’t […]

Kicking tics

Kicking tics can involve kicking the air, objects or people.  Very similar to motor tics such as punching, this tic can be painful. There is a risk of injury to the individual and sometimes loved ones if they are affected by the tic. Kicking tics can be easily mistaken for anger Kicking can be seen […]

Face scrunching tics

Face scrunching is the term used to describe tics that cause the face to appear ‘scrunched’. Oxford Languages defines scrunched as: “crush or squeeze (something) into a compact mass.” Oxford Languages It’s a face almost everyone has made from time to time, often when angry, or cringing. However, tics manifest for a different reason. Things to […]

Tongue-related tics

Tongue-related tics occur via a movement, or sound from the tongue.  Tongue tics may occur as the following (but not limited to): Wiggling or sticking out the tongue Clicking or popping the tongue Are tongue tics motor or vocal? Tongue movements would come under the category of a motor tic. The NHS lists tongue clicking under vocal […]